Sign the letter

Let’s stand up and recognise the #powerofwetlands

Healthy wetlands store carbon and water, reduce emissions, support 40% of biodiversity and provide for life.

It’s time to recognise this power

Sign our open letter to show your support for the power of wetlands

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

This is an open letter from a growing global youth contingent to political and business leaders as well as national focal points for the Paris Agreement calling for inclusion of wetlands in the fight against climate change. We invite everyone to support it by adding their signature, share it far and wide – and make it their own.


The 2015 Paris Agreement requires countries to increase their ambition in fighting climate change and to limit global temperature below 1.5°C. These ambitions are described in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), submitted or updated every five years or earlier. As it stands, the current commitments of countries grossly lack this ambition resulting in a meager 0.5% reduction in emissions and puts us on a path to a 3 or 4°C of global warming1. As young people, we will experience the impacts of this lack of commitment within our lifetimes – our future is at stake. We cannot stand by, let this happen and waste the opportunity for meaningful action.

We join calls from youth from around the world made through the #Youth4Nature Manifesto declaring a planetary emergency and demanding transformative change. The dire state of the world’s wetlands is a direct reflection of this global emergency. The level of action required must be proportional. Today we focus on the need for the integration of wetlands within National Climate Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

Wetlands are the places between aquatic and land-based ecosystems, temporarily or permanently submerged in water. They are the water systems in the landscape, capturing, storing and slowly releasing water.

They provide habitats and refuge for up to 40% of biodiversity including vulnerable and endangered flora and fauna. They support many birds, amphibians, fish, and plant species by providing vital breeding, feeding, and nesting grounds. They also form corridors for migrating species.

Healthy wetlands provide many benefits and services that far exceed those of terrestrial ecosystems. People, including many indigenous communities, depend on wetlands for their food and drinking water, livelihoods and protection from extreme weather. Wetlands are a key part of the water cycle, maintaining the ecological balance, locking away carbon from the atmosphere and reducing water and air pollution. Thriving wetlands serve cultural, spiritual, economic, social, and recreational purposes. Wetlands provide comfort, health and safety, and serve as places of inspiration across generations.

Yet, today, we are losing wetlands at a rate three times faster than forests2. Still, they are not getting the same level of attention.

Since 1700, we have lost more than 85% of wetlands worldwide 2. Wetlands are increasingly drained, dammed and developed over leading to their degradation and rapid loss. This in turn reduces available freshwater, making our landscapes, food production, communities, economies and societies vulnerable and prone to natural, economic and social disasters. It affects the poorest and most vulnerable and contributes to a global biodiversity in freefall.

Wetlands are essential to climate change mitigation and adaptation, as they both affect and are affected by climate change.

Some wetlands, like peatlands, mangroves, tempered tree swamps and sea grasses are carbon sinks, locking away carbon over millennia through complex biological processes. As wetlands are drained, converted or altered, organic matter, once submerged in water, is exposed to the air and oxidises, releasing potent greenhouse gases like methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. In some cases, this organic matter has been carefully preserved in water for thousands of years. Such disturbances can trigger negative and dangerous feedback loops that accelerate global warming (3,4,5).

5-10% of global emissions come from draining and converting peatlands alone6 – their protection and restoration is an imperative.

We must protect the remaining carbon megastores in wetlands across the world and restore those that have been drained and converted. Climate action through wetland conservation, wise use and restoration is not only a practical nature-based solution, it is an imperative for every country.

The effective conservation of wetlands results in cross-cutting benefits to humans and nature alike and assists in achieving national targets for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

We cannot reach net-zero or achieve sustainable development without safeguarding and restoring the health of our global wetlands.

Our demands

As nature-based solutions to climate change with far-reaching benefits for people and nature, wetlands offer a way for our countries to achieve more ambitious climate plans.

We, the youth ambassadors, youth organizations, community groups and concerned citizens that sign this letter call for the halting of the degradation and destruction of wetlands. We want you, our leaders, to make wetland conservation and restoration a national and global priority for the sake of your people, your children and future generations.

We need a paradigm shift across behavior, values, and actions to limit temperatures to 1.5°C of global warming. This requires actions from governments, businesses and the public at local, national and global levels. To political and business leaders and policy makers across ministries, sectors and municipalities, your leadership is required to raise the ambition at your level.

We call on you:

  • To recognize the power of wetlands and to integrate them into National Climate Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The ability to take ambitious actions for wetlands is within reach. A number of governments have shown what is possible and have started to integrate wetland conservation, restoration and wise use in their national strategies. The integration of wetlands in the NDCs has many facets, from creating the knowledge basis through wetland inventories and including wetlands in greenhouse gas inventories to restoring wetlands, identifying and protecting wetlands, strengthening their management and governance. Reducing the drivers of wetlands loss by changing land and water policies that shape sectors such as agriculture is a key and necessary way to include wetlands in the NDCs.
  • To prioritize wetland and human wellbeing over short-term development projects and plans. Take a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of development and infrastructure projects, fully considering the long-term consequences in relation to land degradation, water availability, food security, locking away carbon, community resilience and outward migration.
  • To ensure meaningful climate action across sectors is “Wetlands AND”, not “Wetlands INSTEAD OF”. Reduction of emissions from other sectors should be done as well as wetland conservation and restoration. It is an imperative alongside other imperatives. Wetlands must be considered across land use planning, water management, economic and development planning to avoid perverse outcomes as a result of action in other sectors. Only through an integrated approach can wetlands be protected, conserved, wisely used and restored on the ground, not just on paper.
  • To respect, uphold and protect human rights and to include communities in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of wetland conservation, restoration and wise use projects. This is an essential step towards the successful implementation of the NDCs that can have a positive long-term impact. We must listen to and ensure the meaningful inclusion of the needs and knowledge of local communities and Indigenous Peoples, who have been custodians of wetlands for hundreds of years. Safeguarding and restoring wetlands is most effective when it is done together with the communities that directly depend on them.
  • To provide incentives for businesses to conduct wetland-responsible practices which do not make profit over the destruction and degradation of wetlands and be transparent about environmental impact. As consumers, we have a responsibility to demand for the wise use of wetlands in our products. What we buy, what we eat, what we drink matters. We demand the transition towards the wise use of wetlands and responsible business practices in harmony with wetlands. We need greater access to information and business accountability.
  • To partner with youth initiatives working to achieve the same goal – we can move faster together. As scientists, community activists, young leaders and mobilisers, we have field experience in wetland conservation, restoration, research, advocacy and outreach. We offer our knowledge and skills to you in your efforts to design, implement and monitor wetland NDCs. For this to happen, we welcome the creation of conditions and spaces that encourage young people to participate through processes like national youth consultations and the NDC Youth Engagement Plan.

Hear our call and take action.

Now is the time for bold leadership.

Your decisions can restore and conserve the #PowerOfWetlands.

Signatures 1347
Goal 1500

Show your support for the power of wetlands. Sign the open letter.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Latest signatures

  • Clement Issaka Anaba, Ghana
  • Emma Cordier, Belgium
  • 裴佩 刀, China
  • Maja Cuze Denona, Croatia
  • Rachel Burns, Denmark
  • Wadiya Aprilianti, Indonesia
  • Madison Szathmary, United States
  • Christabel Kisang,
  • Sophie Mullett, Ireland
  • Kelvin Kivuva, Kenya
  • Breda Njuguna, Kenya
  • Bernard Kariuki, Kenya
  • Margarida Simões, Portugal
  • Veena S. Soraganvi, India
  • María Dolores Muñoz, Paraguay
  • Rafael Luna Reyes, Mexico
  • Yusmadi Yusuf, Indonesia
  • Mark Screen, Australia
  • Kassim Juma, Kenya
  • Ifeanyi Uzochukwu, Hungary
  • Nora Lakatos, Hungary
  • Sergio Garcia Torres, Peru
  • Delia Selmi, Hungary
  • Santos Silva Lannara Natyelle, Hungary
  • Charles Kangethe, Kenya
  • Agustina Papuccio, Argentina
  • Vinícius Filippe, Brazil
  • NAVED AHMED, India
  • Mariana Flamini, Argentina
  • Erika Anahi Miño, Argentina
  • Rodrigo Aronson, Argentina
  • Magalí Iñigo, Argentina
  • Besjana Shehu, Albania
  • Omar Di Pietro, Argentina
  • Xiao Hui Chin, United States
  • Kashindi Pierre, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Kenneth Wainaina, Kenya
  • Melanie Carmichael, Cayman Islands
  • hazel mccorrisken, United Kingdom
  • David Coleman, United Kingdom
  • Liene Brizga-Kalnina, Latvia
  • Alejandro Aparicio, Argentina
  • Andrew MacKenzie, United States
  • Felix Ooko, Kenya
  • Prudence Otieno, Kenya
  • Enock Muthini, Kenya
  • Edwin Ruiz, Dominican Republic
  • Peter Mulwa, Kenya
  • Mussa Muhammed,
  • Shalini Shewale, India
  • Sipu Kumar, India
  • Amare Keraga, Ethiopia
  • Chris Clarke, Netherlands
  • jenny brayshaw, United Kingdom
  • Shelton Jannie, Mozambique
  • Risa Mandell, United States
  • Nicholas Westman, France
  • Moselantja Rahlao, Lesotho
  • Acacia Alcivar-Warren, Ecuador
  • Susan Preston, United States
  • Ana Luisa Laplana, Philippines
  • Dirk ten Brink, Netherlands
  • Melissa Brander, United States
  • kátia alonso, Brazil
  • Joeri Borst, Netherlands
  • millie rundle, Australia
  • Rémy CHAUMERON, France
  • Tiago Silva, Portugal
  • Paul Myers, United States
  • Antonio Lambe, Portugal
  • Jimmy Masagca, Philippines
  • Frederik ten Berg, Netherlands
  • Anna Berg, Germany
  • Matthias Goerres, Germany
  • Cristi Aimaretti, Argentina
  • Nadia Pinardi, Italy
  • Carol Birch, United Kingdom
  • James Taylor, United Kingdom
  • Mandy Moorhead, United Kingdom
  • Hannah Mathenge, Kenya
  • Kennedy Luther, Kenya
  • Aqlila Alwy, Kenya
  • Faith Khisa, Kenya
  • Rachel Alexandre, Haiti
  • Asmitha Shukkoor, India
  • Bian Andong, China
  • Kaushalendra Pratap Singh, India
  • Maqhawe Patrick Yende, South Africa
  • Hayley Bagnall, Netherlands
  • Clara Revue, France
  • Yilma Dellelegn Ajbebe, Ethiopia
  • Plaxy Barratt, Australia
  • Irene Morell, Spain
  • João Henrique Quoos, Brazil
  • Joel Mundia, Kenya
  • Kim Bigornia, Philippines
  • Neha Jain, India
  • A Cilon,
  • Rebeca Madrigal-Ramírez, Costa Rica
  • Moises Mug, Costa Rica
  • Tridev Bansal, India
  • Praveen Kumar, India
  • Simone Henning, Netherlands
  • Okeyo Benards, Kenya
  • Jurn Buisman, Netherlands
  • Harsha Bagde, India
  • Nadia Beck, Spain
  • Dievyah Barti Paneerselvam, Malaysia
  • Tsuyako Iwanaga, Indonesia
  • MOEN OTIENO, Kenya
  • Endashaw Mogessie Tiruneh, Ethiopia
  • Esther Emperatriz Lazcano Carreño, Peru
  • kange samuel, Uganda
  • Kamiel Röell, Netherlands
  • Anne Chauvet, Canada
  • Kudzo Nyameko GBEMOU, Togo
  • Pilar Sicardi, Argentina
  • AMAR BANIK, India
  • Miguel Angel Jorge, United States
  • Jan Ernst de Groot, Netherlands
  • Jesse Kiraly, United States
  • Agnes Muriuki, Kenya
  • Phoebe Brous, United States
  • Stella Vareltzidou, Greece
  • Lydia Alvanou, Greece
  • Lira Aday, Philippines
  • Una Halpin, Ireland
  • Ruth Kelly, Ireland
  • Sarah Zimmermann, Ireland
  • Ricky Whelan, Ireland
  • Donna Rainey, United Kingdom
  • Susan McDonnell, Ireland
  • Anna Hayes, Ireland
  • Chris Uys, Ireland
  • Katherine Yang, New Zealand
  • Paul Vertegaal, Netherlands
  • Carolina Halevy, Netherlands
  • Carlijn Poirters, Netherlands
  • Jelke Brandehof, Netherlands
  • Samuel Pacenovsky, Slovakia
  • Sonny Whitelaw, New Zealand
  • Karl Fellenius, Canada
  • Osmar Bambini, Brazil
  • Chiara Salvatori, Italy
  • Julie Cabaniss, United States
  • Constantin Pöll, Austria
  • Matt Puz, United States
  • Fitriyah Irmawati, Indonesia
  • Suelma Silva, Brazil
  • Nah Henry Mbutu, Cameroon
  • Sourya Das, India
  • Bart Rutten, Netherlands Antilles
  • Gene Lemmenes, United States
  • Evan Garski, United States
  • Anny Mandungu, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Scarlet Cleveland, United States
  • Don Wilson, United States
  • B.J. Havlik, United States
  • Kathy Wendling, United States
  • Sheri Lieffring, United States
  • CHRISTINA TAYLOR, United States
  • Lori Wangerin, United States
  • Theresa Nelson, United States
  • Patricia McKnight, United States
  • Laercio Sousa, Brazil
  • Robert and Louise Juracka, United States
  • R. Tod Highsmith, United States
  • Mary Mirasola, United States
  • Matthew Schaeve, United States
  • lynn Koob, United States
  • Mary Evans, United States
  • Vince Mosca, United States
  • Vincent Mosca, United States
  • Mariette Nowak, United States
  • Stanley Smoniewski, United States
  • Debra Reak, United States
  • Cami Peterson, United States
  • Lisa Bey, United States
  • Kelli Mincheski, United States
  • Chris Rademacher, United States
  • jacob riyeff, United States
  • Ashley Vedvig, United States
  • Gary Porter, United States
  • Grace Huddleston, United States
  • Theodore Cochrane, United States
  • Nichole Good, United States
  • Karen Johnson,
  • Connie Pukaite, United States
  • Sheri Denowski, United States
  • Deborah Konkel, United States
  • Joana Queiroz, Brazil
  • Miftah Nur Fauzan, Indonesia
  • Veron Chapr, France
  • Fátima Seher, Brazil
  • Mario Monti, Argentina
  • Levi Hahn, Netherlands
  • Emmilie Ibonia, Philippines
  • Andrés Fraiz, Panama
  • Teisuke Okada, Japan
  • Jakaria Sumon, Bangladesh
  • Omar Baali, Algeria
  • Marjo Oligschläger, Netherlands
  • Shrawan Kumar Sinha, India
  • Deborah SOARES, France
  • Alex Freitas,
  • Steve Strang, Canada
  • Clint Robertson, Canada
  • Inge Van den Akker, Netherlands
  • Zweitse Scheeringa, Netherlands
  • Sergio ivan Jiménez Suarez, Colombia
  • Sanne Tonneijck, Netherlands
  • Gemma Tonneijck-Terlingen, Netherlands
  • Mary Namukose, Uganda
  • Darcy Molnar, Switzerland
  • Shafiqa Peer, India
  • Vincent Ochieng', Kenya
  • Vivian Fu, Hong Kong
  • Sarah Bergmann, United States
  • Mabyn Armstrong, Canada
  • Michael Simon, Australia
  • Benjamin Miller, United States
  • Daniel Pires, Portugal
  • Dennis Alexandersen, Bahrain
  • Nicola Chadwick, Netherlands
  • Rashid Haq, United States
  • Rubén Goransky, Argentina
  • Pawan Kakkar, India
  • Er. Abdul Rashid Bhat, India
  • Stuart Orr, Switzerland
  • James Dalton, Switzerland
  • Bianca Pardede-Vos, Netherlands
  • Éva Fejes, Hungary
  • Johannes Bouwhuizen, Netherlands
  • Philippe ROBERT, France
  • Mariana Correa, Argentina
  • Marie Jeanne Soumah, Guinea
  • Matthew Scheer, United States
  • Mieke Iwema, Netherlands
  • Leulseged Gebreamlak, Ethiopia
  • Peter Simkins, United Kingdom
  • Gislaine Disconzi, Brazil
  • Pius Nwachukwu, France
  • Carla Marques, Portugal
  • Fanny Overlack, Italy
  • Denise Dufault, Canada
  • Roberto Rabello, Argentina
  • Martin Spray, United Kingdom
  • maria joão justino alves, Portugal
  • Lisa Grob, Belgium
  • Oliver Swingler, United Kingdom
  • Chicos Carlos, Guatemala
  • Paula Fernandez, United Kingdom
  • Camiel Aggenbach, Netherlands
  • Jyotirmoy Shankar Deb, India
  • Antonia Galanaki, Greece
  • Clarren Dzimwasha, Zimbabwe
  • Markus Hofbauer, Austria
  • Susanne Lambropoulos, Austria
  • Marie Lambropoulos, Austria
  • Amanda O'Sullivan, Ireland
  • Fabio Pinna, Italy
  • Louis Stewart, Denmark
  • Rory Stewart, Portugal
  • Mark van BOEKEL, Netherlands
  • SUSMITA SEN, India
  • Pooja Ghimire, Nepal
  • Nkungu Hango, Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • Cy Griffin, Belgium
  • Glyn Young, United Kingdom
  • Maja Szrajber-Dhennin, Germany
  • Lærke Stewart, Norway
  • Aleksandra Janus, Poland
  • Martina Eiseltová, Czech Republic
  • Matthijs van der Geest, Netherlands
  • Ashish Verma, India
  • Bia Almeida, Spain
  • Heather Wightman, United States
  • Alexandra Demertzi, Greece
  • Åke Pettersson, Sweden
  • Samantha Yong, Singapore
  • Rodrigo Lima, Brazil
  • Rudy van Diggelen, Belgium
  • Johnson KIBALWA, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Jan Wellekens, Belgium
  • Florine Gongriep, Netherlands
  • Joseph F. Harris, Liberia
  • Stefanie Schweer, United States
  • Geert Kooijman, Netherlands
  • Georgios Yfantis, Greece
  • Ed Beije, Netherlands
  • Wim Tijsen, Netherlands
  • Peter Pilkington, Ireland
  • Edwin Kok, Netherlands
  • András Zágon, Hungary
  • Hyeseon Do, Korea Republic Of
  • Marianne de Rijk, Netherlands
  • Zarah Pattison, United Kingdom
  • Heiko Janssen, Germany
  • Mark Beeston, France
  • Lydia Meester, Netherlands
  • Stephen Katua, Kenya
  • Anna O'Rourke, Ireland
  • Katerina Boli, Greece
  • Yorgos Melissourgos, Greece
  • Petros Kakouros, Greece
  • Thayne Schrann, Brazil
  • Martha Wachira, Kenya
  • Olga Oikonomidi, Greece
  • Keith Scanlon, Ireland
  • Marijke Wilhelmus,
  • Victoria Colangelo, United States
  • Kamal Dalakoti, India
  • Fernando Thiago, Brazil
  • Nadir Faria, Portugal
  • Matthew Housden, United Kingdom
  • Hugo Esquivel, Mexico
  • Tania Gomez, Mexico
  • Shailendra Kumar Pokharel, Nepal
  • Pantaleo Munishi, Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • Emma Greatrix, United States
  • Konstantin von Bar, Germany
  • Jack Clough, United Kingdom
  • Francisco Reyes, Mexico
  • Juliette Westerink, Netherlands
  • Seungmin Hyun, Korea Republic Of
  • Maria P, Greece
  • Tessa Stewart, Ireland
  • Io Hadji, Greece
  • Helena Hadjicharalambous, Greece
  • Áurea Garcia, Brazil
  • Elsa Samperio, Mexico
  • Hea Jin PARK, Japan
  • Emma Hutchins, United Kingdom
  • Samuel Kofi Nyame, Ghana
  • Tika Meijer, Netherlands
  • Chander Parkash, India
  • poppy bagwell, United Kingdom
  • Juan Pascual, Spain
  • Gordon Hunt,
  • Gerald Roger Hau, Germany
  • Stéphane Van Haute, Luxembourg
  • Farrah Samraoui, Algeria
  • lars robanke, Denmark
  • Roman Gijzen, Netherlands
  • Robert Gorby, Ireland
  • Carlos Marfil Daza, Spain
  • Maylis LACHAUSSÉE, France
  • Francois Tron, New Caledonia
  • Richard Powell, United Kingdom
  • Andrés Pichardo, Mexico
  • Xander De Bruine, Netherlands
  • Alma Rojas, Mexico
  • Md. Mijanur Rahman, Bangladesh
  • Donna Nelham, Canada
  • Luiz Fernando Schuler, Brazil
  • Kannan Vaithianathan, India
  • HANCHUL JUNG, Korea Republic Of
  • Heekyoung Lee, Korea Republic Of
  • Sheny Alias, Mexico
  • Nial Moores, Korea Republic Of
  • Leslie Behrends, United States
  • Thomas Lehmberg, Denmark
  • Ana Caroline Ruppenthal, Brazil
  • Icléia Vargas, Brazil
  • Steve Percival, United Kingdom
  • Deb Self, United States
  • George Lapidakis, Greece
  • Virginia Benini, Brazil
  • Maria Kuenen,
  • Patricia Zerlotti, Brazil
  • Frédéric Morand, Belgium
  • Rod Giblett, Australia
  • Ricardo de Lima, Portugal
  • Sophie Comer, United Kingdom
  • Sabine Engel, Netherlands Antilles
  • Lilian Nyaega, Kenya
  • Alexandre Kenji, Brazil
  • Christopher Francis, United Kingdom
  • Vania Rimarachín-Ching, Peru
  • Louise White, Canada
  • Gilberto Sven Binnqüist, Mexico
  • Katie Wiesehan, United States
  • Willem Lubbe, South Africa
  • Milo Manica, Italy
  • Emma West, United Kingdom
  • Walther Reategui, Peru
  • Steve Koehler, United States
  • Moussa DIOUF, Senegal
  • Frances Eggbeer, United Kingdom
  • Marc-Andre Beaucher, Canada
  • Lisa Sorenson, United States
  • Marc van Dijk, Netherlands
  • Sadashiv Gunjal, India
  • Alice Léonard, France
  • Mike Cohen, South Africa
  • Mauricio Montenegro, Argentina
  • Nicola Avery, United Kingdom
  • George Kibiike, Uganda
  • Phil Harding, United Kingdom
  • Jean Skeen, United Kingdom
  • Abril Heredia, Mexico
  • Mariano Gimenez-Dixon, Argentina
  • Daniela Cela, Mexico
  • Gary Kramer, United States
  • Walter Iman, United States
  • Dulce Infante mata, Mexico
  • Javier Laborde, Mexico
  • Michaeline Moloney, United States
  • cave man, United States
  • Bianca Delfosse, Mexico
  • Patricia Moreno casasola, Mexico
  • Mona Poorzady, Germany
  • Friederike Woog, Germany
  • Ibrahima Sadio Fofana, Mali
  • C T, Zimbabwe
  • Joop Bonnet, Netherlands
  • Frank Nelson, United States
  • Alice Clijncke, Netherlands
  • Carlos Ruiz, Puerto Rico
  • Aissatou taibou Ba, Senegal
  • Fabio Bolzan, Brazil
  • Michele Sorrenti, Italy
  • Elena Kreuzberg, Canada
  • Ernesto Caetano, Mexico
  • Katrien Wijns, Belgium
  • digambar gadgigl, India
  • Maria Cecilia Chiale, Argentina
  • Marina Bianchi, Netherlands
  • Wendy Ampuero Reyes, Peru
  • Rick Dillon, South Africa
  • Claire relton, South Africa
  • Daniel Blanco, Argentina
  • Virginia Lo Russo, Argentina
  • Fernando Del Giudice, Argentina
  • VNeville Furmidge, South Africa
  • An Cliquet, Belgium
  • Mariana Alonso, Argentina
  • Julio Lancelotti, Argentina
  • Hugo López Rosas, Mexico
  • Frank Espinoza, Venezuela
  • Brook Gabel, United States
  • Celestin PODA, Burkina Faso
  • Carina Pienaar, South Africa
  • Philipp Bangen, Netherlands
  • Andrew Paterson, Spain
  • Leif Nilsson, Sweden
  • Jessica Sweeney, United Kingdom
  • Arhamatou DIALLO, Mali
  • Morne’ Pretorius, South Africa
  • Nicole Bolliger, Switzerland
  • Robin Verachtert, Belgium
  • Marlie Smith, Australia
  • Leulseged Yirgu, Ethiopia
  • Arnþór Garðarsson, Iceland
  • taufik taufik, Indonesia
  • Robert Cunliffe, Zimbabwe
  • Sophia Mauline, France
  • Abhijit Sarkar, India
  • Andy Green, Spain
  • Robert Cheke, United Kingdom
  • Tamara Avellan, Germany
  • Aditi Majumdar, India
  • Roelof HERINGA, Netherlands
  • Mykhailo Banik, Ukraine
  • Grantley Smith, Australia
  • Anicet Lossa Londjiringa, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Ziaur Rahman, Bangladesh
  • J Duckworth, United Kingdom
  • Stephen Mitchell, South Africa
  • Katja Vrtovec, Slovenia
  • Stefan Du Preez,
  • Fiona Iliff, Zimbabwe
  • Hemanta Sarkar, India
  • Yannis Tsougrakis, Greece
  • Ananda McLinton,
  • Simon Chege, Kenya
  • Amir Gholipour, Iran, Islamic Republic Of
  • Eluned Price, United Kingdom
  • Nicolas Riveros, Italy
  • Lars hein, Netherlands
  • Willem IJ. Aalbersberg, Netherlands
  • Vanya Yancheva, Bulgaria
  • Ina Agafonova, Bulgaria
  • Amado Jr Tolentino, Philippines
  • Didier Cornelissen, Netherlands
  • Mishka Stuip, Netherlands
  • Rafael Jr. Bojos, Philippines
  • Carol Hemund, Switzerland
  • Foong Ling Chen, Malaysia
  • Paul Jenkins, United Kingdom
  • Kris Decleer, Belgium
  • Rob Nieuwenhuis, Netherlands
  • André Du Toit, South Africa
  • Aly Marie Sagne, Senegal
  • ilker özbahar, Turkey
  • Brian Colahan, South Africa
  • Tomos Avent, United Kingdom
  • Wouter Veening, Netherlands
  • hans kampf, Netherlands
  • Arisa Voges, South Africa
  • Catherine King, Spain
  • Marianne Hilders, Netherlands
  • Jan Kamer, United Kingdom
  • André van der Zande, Netherlands
  • Derek Zhanje, Zimbabwe
  • Arthur Obare, Kenya
  • Belinda Bramley, United Kingdom
  • Nok van de Langenberg, Netherlands
  • Stephanie Leow, United Kingdom
  • Rubén Leboreiro Amaro, Spain
  • nigel clark, United Kingdom
  • Henk Zingstra, Netherlands
  • Jakaria Sumon, Bangladesh
  • Ganapathy Rajakesari, India
  • Polina Venka, Malta
  • Gavin Rishworth, South Africa
  • John Walker, United Kingdom
  • Rivo Rabarisoa, Madagascar
  • Wiebina Heesterman, United Kingdom
  • Robert Ewing, Netherlands
  • Johanes Belle, South Africa
  • Magali Gerino, France
  • Hein Boon, Netherlands
  • Peter McGowan, Australia
  • Rahul Mahamuni, India
  • Alison (ZSL), United Kingdom
  • Suryakanta Acharya, India
  • Nicole Cloutier, United States
  • Eliot Taylor, Ireland
  • Asteroid Curtis, Netherlands
  • Joost Backx, Netherlands
  • sunil shukla, India
  • Pradeep Mohapatra, India
  • Alfred de Jager, Netherlands
  • Nina van Toulon, Netherlands
  • Mehmet Özalp, Turkey
  • Felicia Mogo, Nigeria
  • Paul Kosa, Uganda
  • Thomas Bregnballe, Denmark
  • Jean Jalbert, France
  • Arne Fjørtoft, Norway
  • Bruno Ens, Netherlands
  • Col Heap, Australia
  • Koen Kaffener, Netherlands
  • Maria wieloch, Poland
  • Bart Fokkens, Netherlands
  • Dorothy Wakeling, Zimbabwe
  • Peter Schotman, Netherlands
  • David Stroud, United Kingdom
  • Preeti R. Kanaujia, India
  • Johannes Laber, Austria
  • Theo de Bruin, Netherlands
  • Alexandros Stefanakis, Greece
  • Xavier Roche, Italy
  • Татьяна Анисимова, Russian Federation
  • Triana Setia, Indonesia
  • DECLAN CLARKE, United Kingdom
  • Henry Sumba, Kenya
  • Claire Santer, Switzerland
  • jiaojiao Ma, China
  • Rene Kolman, Netherlands
  • Bruno Portier, Belgium
  • Abhishek Bhalla, India
  • Francesca Camilleri, United States
  • Humphrey Elamu, Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • Samundra Raj Aryal, Nepal
  • Mukhtaar Ali, Ethiopia
  • MANAS SINHA, India
  • MANAS SINHA, India
  • Aishath Liusha, Maldives
  • Ahmed Affaan, Maldives
  • Shaziya Ali, Maldives
  • Humay Abdulghafoor, Maldives
  • James Harkness, United States
  • Jordan Ortiz Curtis, Spain
  • Jorge López Portillo, Mexico
  • Hananha Willers, United Kingdom
  • Thalia Czarkowska, United Kingdom
  • Rebeccah Curtis, Spain
  • Kurt Kurat, Netherlands
  • Kate Mitchell, Netherlands
  • Curtis Turk, United Kingdom
  • Ciarán Cotter, Ireland
  • Ireen Ireen, Sweden
  • Manoj Patel, India
  • Flavie Bernadou, France
  • Lanie Preston,
  • Michel Moens, Netherlands
  • Rohini Shetkar, India
  • Valentina Della Bella, Italy
  • MARY-HELEN HORNE, United States
  • Sasha Leal dos Santos, Brazil
  • Himanshi Pandey, India
  • George Dasat, Nigeria
  • Elizabeth Wamba, Kenya
  • Lorna Kobusingye, Uganda
  • Erika Dahlberg, United States
  • Maya Greven, United States
  • Priscilla Kagwa, Kenya
  • Rose Cheptoo, Kenya
  • Bram Jonkheer, Netherlands
  • Julie Mulonga, Kenya
  • Ruth Carol Rocha Grimoldi, Bolivia
  • Julián Jorge Martinez Mayer, Argentina
  • Elmira Schreitling, Germany
  • Emma Fry, United Kingdom
  • Anastasiya Zavgorod, United States
  • Tomasz Poplonski, Netherlands
  • Azul98 Mandragrora55, Italy
  • Silvia Zumarán, Uruguay
  • Gerald Mandisodza, Zimbabwe
  • MWESIGYE Robert,
  • Isabel Wallnoefee, Austria
  • Leticia Oliveira, Brazil
  • Vandana Viswanath, India
  • Darko Podravec, Croatia
  • Noelle Kumpel, United Kingdom
  • Félix Feider, United Kingdom
  • Ashlene Hudson, Ireland
  • Cinthia Soto, Costa Rica
  • Rafael Alejandro Calzada Arciniega, Mexico
  • Jelmer Nijp, Netherlands
  • Ragani Jagroep, Netherlands
  • Alfian Adhi Chandra, Indonesia
  • Joyce Wright, United States
  • R. Arif Alfauzi, Indonesia
  • Tria Subagyo, Indonesia
  • Zulqarnain Assiddiqi, Indonesia
  • Anna Brenes,
  • Cornelius Mashaba, Swaziland
  • Daniel Hayden, United States
  • Thandolwethu Matse, Swaziland
  • Richard Holland, United Kingdom
  • Dlamini Phumlani Qolani, Swaziland
  • Fezile Mhlanga, Swaziland
  • Nkosinathi Mkhonto, Swaziland
  • Linda Loffler, Swaziland
  • Rex Brown, Swaziland
  • Musawenkosi Thwala, Swaziland
  • Austin Dlamini, Swaziland
  • Susanna Tol, Netherlands
  • Luis da Costa, Portugal
  • Eko Budi Priyanto, Indonesia
  • Apri Astra, Indonesia
  • angelina fransiska, Indonesia
  • Patrick Ngila, Kenya
  • Ragil Satriyo Gumilang, Indonesia
  • Annisak Rakhmawati, Indonesia
  • Aji Nuralam Dwisutono, Indonesia
  • Weningtyas Kismorodati, Indonesia
  • Khadijah Ahmad, Malaysia
  • Frank Ezo Blay, Ghana
  • Rafaela Danielli Nicola, Brazil
  • Ivan Bashinskiy, Russian Federation
  • Huaimei Yong, Malaysia
  • Okke Reuer, Germany
  • Marisa Almeida, Portugal
  • Faruku Idrissa, Tanzania, United Republic Of
  • nicola crockford, United Kingdom
  • Daniela Bascopé, Bolivia
  • Francisco Bascopé, Netherlands
  • Camilla Arvidsson, United Kingdom
  • Samson Njihia, Kenya
  • Josje Meester,
  • Beverly Gingras, Canada
  • peter kimutai, Kenya
  • Alexandre Czajkowski, France
  • Keizrul Abdullah, Malaysia
  • jan de Jager, Netherlands
  • Marcel Silvius,
  • Pieter vanEijk, Netherlands
  • John Dhalbeny, Sudan
  • Gerard Boere, Netherlands
  • Suzanne Stas, Netherlands
  • Georgie Davis, United Kingdom
  • Ildiko Nagy, Netherlands
  • James Robinson, United Kingdom
  • Ana Gonçalves, Cape Verde
  • Christopher Sheridan, Belgium
  • Tiega Anada, Switzerland
  • Xiaohong ZHANG, China
  • Pippa Howard, United Kingdom
  • chris kalden, Netherlands
  • Céline Dubreuil, France
  • Yvan Kwidja, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • tim dodman, United Kingdom
  • Peter Chatanga, Lesotho
  • Ma. Eleanor Salvador, Philippines
  • Shewaye Deribe Woldeyohannes, Ethiopia
  • Benjamin SERKFEM, Cameroon
  • Peter Bassey, Nigeria
  • Christian DUTRY, Belgium
  • Ibrahim HAMA, Senegal
  • Ariana Magini, Australia
  • Imen Rais, Tunisia
  • Maria Snoussi, Morocco
  • Chris Keller, United States
  • Imtiaz Ahmed, India
  • K DD, Belgium
  • Alexandre Anzou, Brazil
  • Marco Hartl, Austria
  • Vipan Verma, India
  • Bernadette Clementine Comfort IGWEBE, Nigeria
  • Holly-Anne Whyte, United Kingdom
  • Juliette Kool, Netherlands
  • Ciara Leonard, Spain
  • Carlos Burés, Spain
  • Anushri Tiwari, India
  • Elizabeth Charter, United Kingdom
  • Jyoti Mehta, India
  • Mercy Ikũri, Kenya
  • Natalie Garrett, United Kingdom
  • Pip Mason, United Kingdom
  • Ann Sieber, Germany
  • Jennifer Jun, Sweden
  • Mauricio Montenegro, Argentina
  • Melina Guerrero, Argentina
  • Alier Oka,
  • Denise Dufault, Canada
  • Caxton Kaua, Kenya
  • Lydia Cole, United Kingdom
  • Amado Jr Tolentino, Philippines
  • Ahmad Mahdavi, Iran, Islamic Republic Of
  • Sabrina Vandezande, Belgium
  • Gobinathan Manickam, Malaysia
  • Nicholas Bruneau, Portugal
  • Oliwer Schultz, Sweden
  • Maria Eriksson Svensson, Sweden
  • Axel Eriksson, Sweden
  • Ville-Pekka Timonen, Finland
  • Helmi Nieminen, Finland
  • Sonja Heiliger, Germany
  • Vilja Lehtinen, Finland
  • Oskar Wikström, Sweden
  • Anna Roininen, Finland
  • Elli Latva-Hakuni, Finland
  • Samuli Gröhn, Finland
  • Crista Berndtson, Finland
  • Emma Tammelin, Finland
  • Roberto Costantino, Italy
  • Kaisa-Maria Hyvärinen,
  • Félix Feider, United Kingdom
  • Juliette Ranki, Finland
  • Andrea Morales, El Salvador
  • Emma Sairanen, Finland
  • Jorge Bardales, Peru
  • James Rodell, United States
  • Liliam Morante, Peru
  • Julien Anseau, Singapore
  • Birgit Podembski, Germany
  • Trude Starholm, Norway
  • Patrick Monahan, United States
  • Tracie Jones, United States
  • Kannan J, India
  • Gergely Toth, Hungary
  • Irving Tan, Malaysia
  • Devashish Shukla, India
  • Hamish Clueard, New Zealand
  • Daniel Roberts, United Kingdom
  • Alvise Luchetta, Italy
  • Katy Ross, United Kingdom
  • Nayab Zareen, Pakistan
  • Shubham Kumar, India
  • Annelise Goldman, United States
  • Nicolas Veiguela, Argentina
  • Mercedes Cadoppi, Argentina
  • P KANAK Kumar, India
  • Guillermo Cavanagh, Argentina
  • Maryjane Plastino, United States
  • Hanif Hilmy, United Kingdom
  • Willam Stephens, United States
  • Emmah Mandishona, Zimbabwe
  • Ariel Woodworth, United States
  • Nabukalu Patience, Uganda
  • Mark Angliss, United Kingdom
  • Anicet Lossa Londjiringa, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Anthony Kadoma, United Kingdom
  • Liudmila Karukina, Belarus
  • Erald Xeka, Albania
  • Terry Morley, Ireland
  • Neil Dsouza, India
  • Manash Chakraborty, India
  • Jill Howe, United States
  • Nikolai Petkov, Bulgaria
  • Bryce Stewart, Canada
  • Aljo Antony, India
  • Silloo Marker, India
  • Pritha Basu, India
  • Aisshvarya C, Sweden
  • sanchirbayar Undrakh, Mongolia
  • Battogtokh Bayarmaa, Mongolia
  • Max Steinmetz, Luxembourg
  • Sophie Wilkinson, Canada
  • Pulakesh Das, India
  • Rajashree Naik, India
  • Jorge Safara, Portugal
  • Lakshmi R, India
  • Jennie Frednäs, Sweden
  • Lolita Leal, Philippines
  • Ólafur Einarsson, Iceland
  • Amy Masell, United States
  • Chenalin De Los Santos, Philippines
  • Sophia Bennani-Smires, Paraguay
  • Leira Peñafiel, Philippines
  • Chee Yoong Woo, Malaysia
  • Tamas Szekely, United Kingdom
  • Eleonora Minelli, Italy
  • Chetan Bhosale, India
  • Sara Ramirez Gomez, Netherlands
  • Keegan Donegan, United States
  • ROUF AHMAD, India
  • Nadeem Qadri, India
  • Kiatkamon Nilaponkun, Thailand
  • Aldo Risky Pratama, Indonesia
  • Indra Candanedo, Panama
  • Nadine Haasnoot, Netherlands
  • Julien Anseau, Singapore
  • Jord Earving Gadingan, Philippines
  • Jose Luis Lopez, Argentina
  • Rashmi Hazarika, India
  • mhm van meerten, Netherlands
  • Audrey Thomsen, United States
  • Prasath Selvaraj, India
  • Diana Umpierre, United States
  • Rita Diana, Indonesia
  • Hamish Stewart, Denmark
  • Zoe Rosenblum, United States
  • katie holten, Ireland
  • Sophie O'Callaghan, Ireland
  • Anthony Duxell Malle, Cameroon
  • Jari Grob, Netherlands
  • Jeff Sellers, United States
  • Suyono Suyono, Indonesia
  • Federica Nanni, Italy
  • Elva Escobar, Mexico
  • Faith Mahinda, Kenya
  • jan slechten, Belgium
  • Josefin Liljeqvist, Sweden
  • Marta Baumane, Denmark
  • Hannah Thorne, United Kingdom
  • Dorothy Wakeling, Zimbabwe
  • Apoorva Sodhi, India
  • Robb Kaler, United States
  • Marina Dimitriou, Greece
  • Nicola Contarini, Italy
  • Maya Machamer, United States
  • Anushri Tiwari, India
  • Maxizine Howell-Paul, Trinidad And Tobago
  • Manolo Sorbatelli, Italy
  • Utain Pummarin, Thailand
  • Ingrid Ponsy, France
  • Adam Kurz, Czech Republic
  • Ganesh Kshisagar, India
  • David Horak, Czech Republic
  • Carlo Bruni, Paraguay
  • Maria Majka, United Kingdom
  • Faidra Drakonaki,
  • Bindy Pease, United Kingdom
  • Saverio Solimani, Italy
  • Khaled Aissa, Tunisia
  • Alison Giblin, New Zealand
  • Nigel Taylor, France
  • Erick Arrashy Rudianto, Indonesia
  • Francisco Rilla, Germany
  • Faith Donatus, Nigeria
  • Sharon Kili, Kenya
  • Deepak Sharma,
  • Peter Dalton, United States
  • Joseph Lopez, Canada
  • Cesar Gonzalez, Mexico
  • Fouzi Dahan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  • Michaela Sadleder, Austria
  • Barbsra K.,
  • Julio Fernandes, Brazil
  • Tarang Sarin, India
  • Margit Wrobel, Austria
  • Verena Wrobel, Austria
  • Mohd Nurazmeel Mokhtar, Malaysia
  • Rachel Heath, Australia
  • Laith El-Moghrabi, Jordan
  • Leulseged Yirgu, Ethiopia
  • Surabhi Pandit, India
  • Ibrahim Ba, Senegal
  • Jean Rousselot, France
  • Ritika Verma, India
  • Kent Glade, United States
  • Que Pham, Viet Nam
  • Sharon lubembe, Kenya
  • Maria João Soares, Portugal
  • marieke van meerten, Netherlands
  • Anders Faaborg Poulsen, Denmark
  • Cian Donovan, Ireland
  • Alexandru-Ioan Crăciun, Belgium
  • Rosa Rodriguez, Spain
  • Shadtack Kipkorir, Kenya
  • Grace Reeves, United Kingdom
  • فوزي دهان, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  • Keziah Aura, Kenya
  • Everline Otieno, Kenya
  • Hilda Ingosi, Kenya
  • Nicholas Karani, Kenya
  • Nancy Okademi, Kenya
  • Joyce Kenei, Kenya
  • Naomi Komol, Kenya
  • Kate Gorringe-Smith, Australia
  • Tapashi Boruah, India
  • Janice Parke, United States
  • Adam Ó Hare, United Kingdom
  • Youth4 Nature,
  • Carole Leray, France
  • chris Mulder, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
  • RHODA TAYAG, Philippines
  • Bia Almeida, Spain
  • Linea Wangdahl, Sweden
  • Arunvenkatesh Sathiyaseelan, India
  • Jyotsna Mishra, Australia
  • Paula Correa, Argentina
  • Laura MacKenzie, Netherlands
  • Nancy Job, South Africa
  • Minoru Kashiwagi, Japan
  • paulien bremmer, Netherlands
  • Hans Meltofte, Denmark
  • Arthur Neher, Netherlands
  • Inge Harkes, Netherlands
  • Cristina Coccia, Spain
  • Pierre Brink, South Africa
  • Nerremy Otieno, Kenya
  • Mizan Rahman, United Kingdom
  • Dinesh kumar Ýadav, India
  • Amanda Rudder, United States
  • Ines Sanchez-Donoso, Spain
  • Angela Bekkers, Netherlands
  • Daniele Riboli Hincapie, Colombia
  • Cosme López Calderón, Spain
  • Agnieszka Olszańska, Poland
  • Diogo Soares, Portugal
  • Javier Juste, Spain
  • José Luis Ruiz Rodríguez, Spain
  • Alberto García, Spain
  • Carlos Bautista, Poland
  • Carlos Rodriguez Lopez, Spain
  • Maciej Konopiński, Poland
  • Jordi Figuerola, Spain
  • Nuria Selva Fernandez, Poland
  • Juan José Negro Balmaseda, Spain
  • Niel de Jong, Netherlands
  • Jessica Micklem, Germany
  • Ioana Groza, Romania
  • Mário Volas, Portugal
  • Birgitta Meester, United Arab Emirates
  • Weronika Suchodolska, Poland
  • Candice Morgan, Canada
  • Olgar Natasha, Kenya
  • Santhosh Kumar, India
  • Sven Kramer, Netherlands
  • Srinithi Kaneshbabu, India
  • Jemimah sandra, Kenya
  • Jan van der Horst, Netherlands
  • Vivian Dondo, Kenya
  • anna saltiel,
  • Sharon kinoti,
  • Odipo Osano, Kenya
  • Claire Taylor, Australia
  • Zac Pinard, United States
  • Kervelle Baird, Trinidad And Tobago
  • Elisabeth Rieger, United Kingdom
  • Rachel Boere, Canada
  • Bertin KALIMBIRO, Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Xiomara Acevedo, Colombia
  • caroline kuyper, Ireland
  • Christine Mutinda, Kenya
  • Itorobong Raphael Etuknwa, Nigeria
  • Isabel Ren, Peru
  • Sodiq Oguntade, Netherlands
  • Djibrila Youssoufa, Cameroon


  1. Rowling, M. (2020) Climate pledges for 2030 put world far off 1.5C goal, U.N. warns. Thomson Reuters. Last accessed on 05 March 2021
  2. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. (2018a). Global Wetland Outlook: State of the World’s Wetlands and their Services to People. Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention Secretariat.
  3. Limpens, J., Berendse, F., Blodau, C., Canadell, J.G., Freeman, C., Holden, J., et al. (2008). Peatlands and the carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications — a synthesis. Biogeosciences, 5(5): 1475–1491. doi:10.5194/bg-5-1475-2008
  4. Moomaw, W.R., Chmura, G.L., Davies, G.T. et al. Wetlands In a Changing Climate: Science, Policy and Management. Wetlands 38, 183–205 (2018).
  5. Kendall, R. A., Harper, K. A., Burton, D. and Hamdan, K. (2021). The role of temperate treed swamps as a carbon sink in southwestern Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal for 51: 78–88
  6. Anisha, N.F., Mauroner, A., Lovett, G., Neher, A., Servos, M., Minayeva, T., Schutten, H. & Minelli, L. 2020. Locking Carbon in Wetlands: Enhancing Climate Action by Including Wetlands in NDCs. Corvallis, Oregon and Wageningen, The Netherlands: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation and Wetlands International.

Other resources used to build this letter

Cooper, H., Evers, S., Aplin, P. et al. (2020) Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation. Nat Commun 11, 407.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. (2021). Ireland will now report greenhouse gas emissions and removals from managed wetlands (and including bogs) as part of progress towards EU greenhouse gas targets. Government of Ireland. Last accessed on 05 March 2021

Herrara, C. (2021) Mexico Publishes Unambitious Updated NDC. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Last accessed on 05 March 2021

Horwitz, P., Finlayson, M. and Weinstein, P. (2012). Healthy wetlands, healthy people: a review of wetlands and human health interactions. Ramsar Technical Report No. 6. Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Gland, Switzerland, & The World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

NDC Partnership (2020). Burkina Faso, Grenada – Why Wetlands Can and Should Boost your NDC

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. (2018b). Wetlands and the SDGs. Scaling up wetland conservation, wise use and restoration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention Secretariat

Timboe, I., Pharr and K., Matthews J. H. (2020) Watering the NDCs: National Climate Planning for 2020—How water-aware climate policies can strengthen climate change mitigation & adaptation goals. Corvallis, Oregon: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA).

World Resource Institute. (2019) Enhancing NDCs: A Guide to Strengthening National Climate Plans by 2020. ISBN 978-1-56973-958-7

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A world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.


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